Take Action
The Up We Go Mzansi campaign will inspire individuals to work together to play their part in moving South Africa forward and upward. It’s all about how each person can make a difference to those around them, and build a stronger and more united South Africa for the future. Change starts with you. Everyone can be an agent of change in their community.
Here’s some ideas for how you can get involved and take action for change starting today.
- Be a role model. The message giver is the strongest message. By having a healthy lifestyle you will encourage others to also reduce their own risk: stay in school, reduce teen pregnancy, reduce substance abuse; reduce HIV-, TB- and COVID-19 prevalence.
- Help others to help themselves. Encourage other youth to make changes to benefit their lives without waiting for someone else to do it. Start something good yourself.
- Channel your energy to build rather than break (keep a watch on your stress levels and find constructive ways to let off steam.)
- Use your voice for good. Use your presence on social media to inspire others with positive messages.
- Share a skill you have with someone eager to learn, and guide them to become financially independent.
- Make the time to get to know someone outside of your comfort zone better, and adjust your behaviour to honour their culture, language, customs and cuisine.
It starts with me...